Title project: metaPHÖRMosis
Name : MöRPH
by Elis Frederiksen and Gabriel Giacometti.
Funded by: The National Swedish Handicraft Council (Nämnden för Hemslöjdsfrågor)
In collaboration with: Formas, Lek i Staden, EAC and Linnarhult.
Name : MöRPH
by Elis Frederiksen and Gabriel Giacometti.
Funded by: The National Swedish Handicraft Council (Nämnden för Hemslöjdsfrågor)
In collaboration with: Formas, Lek i Staden, EAC and Linnarhult.
A co-creation of versatile furniture for the site through material gathering, upcycling and craft. A workshop that took place in Linnarhult on the 21 of October 2021.
About: Metamorphosis; a change of physical form, structure or substance. Furniture as animals, transforming from one form to another. As the frog, the buttery or the beetle, this open collaboration aims to create a natural transformation, from discarded material to furniture, using its surface to enhance this metamorphosis. Transformation/metamorphosis:
About MöRPH:
MöRPH is a design collaboration by Elis Frederiksen and Gabriel Giacometti. It originated in 2019 during our Master studies in Design at HDK while attending a course situated in Linnarhult, Design as Social Intervention. Since then we have been invited back to Linnarhult a few times, where we have been able to further develop our concept of change and metamorphosis. Today, our benches and stools can be found here and there around the site.