Title project: Sun Egg no.4
Name : Alice Kettle
Instagram : @alice.kettle.design
Funded by: Gothenburg city
Name : Alice Kettle
Instagram : @alice.kettle.design
Funded by: Gothenburg city
About the Art work:
'When I Am Among the Trees", is an exploration into the space between human and non-human centred perspectives. A woven space from willow (known as the Sun Egg) that invites interaction, fascination and healing, as a way of helping us to reorientate our thinking to one of co-existence and collaboration.
About the Process:
The intended purpose of the design is not only about the physical form of the object, but about the types of cultivated and unexpected interactions that take place because of it. Therefore the weaving and building of my installations are a key part of any project. The process for this installation has been going on for the past year - site visits, community willow harvesting, planting, which has allowed people to be part of the process throughout. This is my first urban and weaving on-site installation, which has been a little challenging with the rainy weather, but has made the encounters all the more rewarding.
About Linnarhult
The best with Linnarhult is the community and space. A wild haven among the urban environment that is an invitation for all. A space to play, grow, create, share and gather.
What brought me to Linnarhult? I was invited to join by Helena Hansson, to have the opportunity to continue my work, that explores the power of craft as a tool co-creation. To create one of my woven spaces that aim to invite curiosity, active interactions and unexpected encounters with materials, techniques and our natural environment. If I would vision Linnarhult as a place in the city/world in the future, I see it as a place that continues to be an invitation for all. A place for workshops, learning, playing and allows for encounters with our natural environment. |
About ALICE:
I’m Alice, a British designer/maker based in rural Sweden. My work explores the potential that design and craft has to combat contemporary environmental and health issues. I work with traditional willow weaving techniques to create large interactive installations and projects that aim to evoke childish delight and allow for multi-sensory encounters with outdoor environments.